
If you find bugs, errors, omissions or other things that need improvement, please create an issue or a pull request at Contributions are always welcome!

Development Installation§

Instead of pip-installing the latest release from PyPI, you should get the newest development version (a.k.a. “master”) from Github:

git clone --recursive
cd insipid-sphinx-theme
python3 -m pip install -e .

… where -e stands for --editable.

When installing this way, you can quickly try other Git branches (in this example the branch is called “another-branch”):

git checkout another-branch

If you want to go back to the “master” branch, use:

git checkout master

To get the latest changes from Github, use:

git pull --ff-only

If you used the --recursive option when cloning, the Font-Awesome submodule (containing the SVG icons) will be checked out automatically. If not, you can get the submodule with:

git submodule update --init

Building the Documentation§

If you make changes to the documentation, you should create the HTML pages locally using Sphinx and check if they look OK.

Initially, you might need to install a few packages that are needed to build the documentation:

python3 -m pip install -r doc/requirements.txt

To (re-)build the HTML files, use:

python3 build_sphinx

The generated files will be available in the directory build/sphinx/html/.

Auto-Generated Documentation for Pull Requests§

Whenever a Pull Request (PR) is created on, the documentation is automatically built on On the PR page, find the latest commit and click on its green check mark (or on the red “x” in case of a test failure), look for the entry and click on “Details” to see the auto-generated HTML pages.